Fitness February: Ballet Improver

Fitness February: Ballet Improver

The Ballet Improver Playlist brings you beautifully curated classes to help you reunite with your love of ballet. The perfect way to get your heart pumping, find time for yourself and move with LOVE!

February is the month of love, so this year why not celebrate self-care? Make a commitment to your well-being for Fitness February with BalletActive.

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Fitness February: Ballet Improver
  • Ballet Warm-Ups: Placement

    Find proper placement with this session of floor barre exercises.

    Crystal Costa, former First Soloist of English National Ballet, leads this 6-part series of short 10-minute exercises to wake up the muscles in specific parts of the body, from your feet and back, to working on finding your centre...

  • Barre Fit with Nicky Henshall | 4

    Nicky Henshall, former Artist with English National Ballet, leads this 4-part series that start with a gentle warm-up and then move into either full body workouts, or may just target the upper or lower body.

  • Technique Tips with Renato Paroni de Castro - Spotting

    In this short class, English National Ballet repetiteur Renato Paroni de Castro goes through some helpful tips to refine your spotting technique and improve your turns and pirouettes.

  • Dynamic Ballet with Carolyn Bolton | 1

    Explore your dancing to its fullest extent with this dynamic ballet class, looking at different timing and phrasing.

  • Ballet with Sarah Kundi | 4 (Beginner-Improver)

    Sarah Kundi, First Artist with English National Ballet, leads this class for beginner through to improver level dancers needing reminders of the basics.

    Oliver Hornby, former member of ENBYouthCo and current student of English National Ballet School, demonstrates with Matt Gregory on piano.

  • Cool Down with Carolyn Bolton | 1

    Get a chance to cool down and stretch out after your ballet class or workout session.